Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

2 Weeks Old!

2 weeks people! My baby is two weeks.. that means I am 1/3 the way through my maturity leave :( I don't like this, make time slow down! Well we went in for her two week check up.

Actually I just realized I never said anything about her newborn appointment that we had the Thursday after she was born. We went in for a weight check and to check her jaundice levels to make sure she was still doing okay. She was 7 11 when she was born we were discharged at 7 7 the doctor said that usually it takes two weeks to get back to their birth weight. Well he asked me what I was feeding her because she was already at 7 13! I said I'm just feeding her he said keep up the good work.

So for her two week appointment she now weighs 8 3 which puts her in the 37% and she is 21.5 inches long putting her in 88% she is a tall girl :)

They had to do a heel prick for genetic testing with her blood. Oh friends, she did NOT like that one bit she didn't do too bad until the nurse held on to her heel for 20 minutes to get enough blood for the testing. Lizzi apparently is a slow bleeder, she did not enjoy the pressure and not being able to move her leg. That is the most I have ever heard her cry in her life. She was screaming bloody murder poor babe. She sure looked darling though! :)
How darling is this little Seahorse baby!? She is super healthy and growing like a champ! I fall more in love everyday! Here are some of my favorite shots during this week.
HAHAHA Baby cross eyes!

So happy!

She is supposed to sleep on her back but if she isn't swaddled up she LOVES to lay on her side. Look at that belly!
Update on me, I am doing great, feeling better and better all the time, the after birth bleeding has all but stopped now yay! No more diapers for mommy! At my 40 week appointment I weighed 183, I weighed myself and I am down to 159! WOOT! 15 more pounds and I will be what I weighed in high school! That is my goal we'll see how things go! 
Still a little pooch but feeling skinny!

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