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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Finishing the wedding: Part 1: Endowments

Hello All,

Yes I have my life back and in order so I can finally post again. :) I will finally let all of you know what went on in our last two days :)

So as you can see this is titled Endowments. I recieved my endowments and yes I know I am terrible I don't have any pictures :( My husband and I are not good about taking pictures unless the camara is in our hands at all times. Which of course we didn't that night.

The Endowment session was on March 3rd, 2011 at 6:00pm in the Salt Lake Temple. My first time at the Temple EVER and I did a live session. But it was amazing :D I am so glad I did it that way. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I have never felt as happy as I did that day. (and of course the next ;))

After the endowment was over went straight to the church where our reception would be the next day to set up for the luncheon and reception. It took FOREVER and didn't exactly "go as planned" you could say. We left by 10 or 11 that night.

I had my cousins Keri and Shelbi spend the night with my sister Alise and me. Our last single Mount Rushmore night. We went to bed at about 1ish which wasn' t to bad considering. Everyone was asleep within minutes. Not me though. I laid in bed till like 2:30 almost 3:00 I was so tired that I couldn't sleep. Some teased me about nerves some teased me about excitment but really I was too tired to sleep. I wanted to sleep so bad that my body kept making it out of reach just to torment me I am sure.

Then once I was finally in dreamland I couldn't stay there I had a very fitful sleep and I got up at 5:30-6:00ish to get ready. Then began the wedding day.

1 comment:

Joe N' Jess said...

Crazy Crazy!! It sounds like how my "Day before" went, haha! No fun!! The stress was all worth it though right? :D