Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

3 Months Old!

Okay first of all I am very behind on my posts! Second who approved my baby turning 3 months old!? I sure didn't! At her two month appointment she weighed 10.5lb and is 23.25 inches long! Oh my skinny bean pole! She is just like her daddy tall and skinny! She is getting stronger everyday and is gaining really good control over her head and neck! She smiles CONSTANTLY and it is the cutest smile ever! It goes all the way to her eyes! She also has started laughing! Oh my it is the most heavenly sound I have ever heard! I am in major love with that sound and do all I can to hear it everyday! I don't know how we got so lucky with such a perfect baby but I know she is just what we needed! We don't have time for anything but her anymore and I don't know what we did before we had her in our lives! I am back at work full time and I have been since 6/16/14 :( it is not my favorite thing ever but I am so thankful for the sitter I have! She is terrific!

We started with a lady in our small town watching her but it didn't work out for us her daughter was too close in age to mine and she felt torn on giving attention to both of them. So in the interest of both of our daughters I had a former co worker watch her. She quit, just before I went on my maternity leave, to raise her three kids so she is a perfect fit! She meets everything I need! I just can't say enough good things about her! You know you have a good sitter too when her kids love your kid. A few days after she started watching Lizzi her 3 almost 4 year old boy asked if Lizzi was his new sister! Too cute and then after the 4th of July, it was a long weekend with the holiday, and when I showed up Monday morning he exclaimed LIZZI'S HERE! It made my morning! We blessed Lizzi on June 1st and we had wonderful family (and those considered family) to support us! Curtis is already such great daddy and I can't wait to watch him as she gets older and as we (hopefully) add to our family!

Lizzi is a huge fan of her tongue! She sticks it out all the time!! I decided her celebrity idol is Gene Simmons! Look at her pictures below and you will understand haha! We went to our first Rodeo as a family and Lizzi loved every second of it! She also loves to sound the "morning trumpet" if you know what I mean. That is how we know she is awake and not just stirring because we will hear a little toot of the horn and we know "Oh Lizzi is awake!"

That is all the stories for now! On to pictures!!!


2 months

3 months

3 months look at my length 
Lizzi in my blessing dress!

Her happy face!

after bath time oh this face!

So peaceful!

Sometimes we like to snuggle

I look just like daddy!

Gene Simmons

Gene Simmons

First Rodeo

I love this face!

Getting strong!

Go Lizzi Go!

Could she be any happier!?

Trying to fit my whole fist in my mouth

Playing with my toes!
Happy 4th!

Aunt Aimee loves me 

I love my Grandpa!

Blessing day


Wardles said...

She is so cute!! That smile is adorable!!! You look fantastic and i'm so happy you guys are loving being parents! Congrats you guys!!!

Aubrey A said...

CUTE! She is stinking cute. Way to go. :) She does look like her daddy, but when she smiles I can see you in her too. Enjoy your baby time with her…they really do grow up SO fast.

Ashlee said...

I love looking at all of these pictures. She is so sweet!!!!