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Sunday, August 4, 2013

And along came Bandit!

So Curt and I had talked about getting a dog but we also wanted to wait until we were settled in a little more... I wanted a dog as soon as we found out we were moving into a house. Curt wanted to wait  years 2 years... we finally agreed on a year and a half. That only lasted a month...

Curt's sister in law's neighbor got a dog for their daughter and didn't think she wanted it so they said she needed one more week of caring for him then if she didn't want him we could have him. He is a Border Collie/Sharpei mix. So we were prepared to get a dog but then they said they needed more time with him so I decided to start looking for another dog just in case they decided to keep him. I found this beauty...
Meet Tootsie! Lab, Border Collie, Boxer Mix
She is the sweetest dog! I found her for free on KSL my co-worker and I fell in love with her she is gorgeous! She was in Weston Idaho and my co-worker grew up there so we left after work and went a picked her up so I could bring her home :) Curt didn't like that idea so much. He didn't get to help pick her out and she is so mellow which is a good thing but she had no interest in playing fetch or in playing at all plus she wanted to fight my neighbors dogs... So my co-worker that helped me pick her up said she wanted her for a playmate for her other dog. She has her now and I am sad without a dog but I know that she is happier with Copper and Holli than here with us.

So we had Tootsie Thursday night, Friday day and night and Saturday gave her to Holli and picked up Bandit. Curt showed me some cute puppies in Cove, Utah that were German Short hair(Pointers) and Blue Heeler mix. We decided those would make good dogs so we tried to call the guy but he never answered. Another set of puppies(same breed) came on in Bear River, Utah so we called him and scheduled a time to see them. On June 30th we picked up our first puppy!
Meet Bandit! She has one brown eye and one blue eye!

She is too cute! I love her so much and she has the funniest personality! It is kind of weird to have a dog other than Jackie who I have had since I was 9 years old. It's funny how different, different breeds are. We have had her 5 weeks now she is 17 weeks old, she has grown so much it kind of makes me sad I want her to be a puppy forever! She is the floppiest dog you'll ever meet. Playing tug of war isn't even really a game if she wants to lie down and growl in the middle she will and you can drag her all over the floor until she decides she is ready to stand up again. She loves to grunt, sigh, and whine when she is upset about a situation or wants you to know she doesn't approve. She is kind of a chicken dog she is very shy and timid when faced with a new situation until she decides she is comfortable with it. If something is her idea she is all for it but if not she gives you this look like "Really, you want me to do what now? I don't think so." She has recently, about a week or two ago, realized that she is part cow dog and has started to herd to goats when we go check on them it is darling. Just yesterday she realized she is part bird dog too and stood in perfect point Curt looked down and back up and she was darting after a sparrow she saw. Now the big training begins so she can know what is okay to chase and herd and what is not. She loves to jump on people and be chased.

Look at that face! Can't stay mad at this cutie for long.
She is a silly sleeper, this is her favorite sleeping position.

She uses the scale for her pillow a lot. I think she needs a real pillow.

I no longer get to sleep in because she is used to being up early during the work week to go out to relieve herself in the morning, but I can't imagine not having her! She makes everyday an adventure and she is always giving me great stories to tell. I love my little Bandita!

1 comment:

keri_miguela said...

She is sooo adorable! Sounds like she is a fun little addition to your family!