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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Finally Home!!!

So we finally got home at 1 am and had to unload our gifts as shown below. We didn't crawl into bed until about 2 am.

 We were not told that it was daylight savings, luckily our ward doesn't meet until 1 pm otherwise we would have been late to church. We woke up at 5 minutes to 8 thinking we did pretty good since Curtis doesn't sleep in. Thankfully my old Singles Ward Clerk texted a reminder to our ward (since my records weren't transferred yet I got a text too) reminding us not to forget Daylight Savings its an hour later than you think. So in Reality we woke up at 5 minutes to 9 thank you Clerk for being on top of your job.

So we got up and decided to tackle our gifts first thing. It took us forever to get them done. There were so many but we were so grateful to get the things we needed. We decided not to take pictures of every gift since it would take forever so we just took a few. (The ballerina is my favorite long story attached to that).

After we were done we ate breakfast and called around to see which building we met in. Turns out it is the same building Curt's brother Joey and his wife Leslie went to while they lived here too. Small world. We went and got ready for church and headed out the door to meet our new ward and bishop.
Our ward was extremely small that day it was the last day before spring break was over so many people were still gone and weren't there. Just to make the world smaller the speakers that spoke in sacrament meeting; the husband was the brother of someone that dated Curt's sister Connie and their sister was in Joey and Leslie's ward when they were in the ward. SMALL WORLD.
After church we went home to clean the mess we left and make the lasagna Curt's mom gave us to take home for dinner. It was too much for two of us and his sister Connie and her Husband Brad and their girls filled our fridge while we were on our honeymoon so we invited them over to eat with us.

We had a great time with all of them over. We ate dinner, played a game, had funny comments made by the girls. What a night :) We have such a fun time with these girls they are so funny :)

We are so glad to be at our home, starting our lives together, and just being us. Being married is the greatest thing I have ever experinced (so far I'm sure babies will be my next one) and I am so glad this wonderful handsome man of mine chose me as his eternal companion. Also that I listened to the spirit and how it was telling me to get married instead of ignore him and focus on your mission. It was the best desicion I've ever made.

We techinally got a two week honeymoon :) after we came home from our planned out of state honeymoon we came home and I didn't start work for another week and neither did Curt so we got another week to set up our house together and have everything in its place before we had to go back to work. We were so lucky :) and we really enjoyed our uninterrupted time together.

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